Chakra Blend – 3 Power

Chakra Blend – 3 Power

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A harmonious blend of oils and crystal infusions that improves energy flow for emotional, physical and spiritual wellbeing. Card included. For use by yoga instructors, healing practitioners, massage therapists or individuals who are interested in chakra healing.


  • YOGA POSE: Bow Pose
  • STONE: Citrine
  • AFFIRMATION: I choose love, light and goodness
  • LOCATION: Solar plexus
  • RELATED ORGANS: Digestive organs and system, nervous system, immune system, liver, spleen, gall bladder, adrenals, pancreas, lower thoracic to second lumbar
  • IMBALANCE: Digestive, immune, ulcers, hormonal, easy to anger, bloating, burping, mid back pain, difficulty sleeping between 1-3 a.m., arthritis, diabetes

      HOW TO USE

      • TO BEGIN: Select a blend based on the symptoms you are experiencing or your intuition. Each oil blend is accompanied by a unique card. Color and number correspond to a specific chakra in the body.
      • TO APPLY: Find a quiet place, clear your mind of all thoughts, and begin by breathing slowly. Apply the blend topically, in a clockwise direction, to the corresponding chakra location or inhale from the palms of your hands. While inhaling, imagine the color on the card filling every cell and organ of your body and healing it (this is referred to as aromatherapy and color therapy). Visualize the energy of the blend balancing your energy.
      • THE SOUND: Practice specific sounds that are listed on the bottle and card.
      • THE STONE: Crystals and gems omit very powerful vibrations. They help realign, rebalance and energize the chakras into appropriate functions. Each Wholistic Chakra Blend is infused with a unique crystal to bring you into balance.
      • THE YOGA POSE: You can practice the yoga pose, indicated on your card, throughout the day.
      • THE AFFIRMATION: Affirmations corresponding to a specific blend are listed on the bottle and the card. Practice your affirmation throughout the day to imprint it into your subconscious mind. Remember to always stay positive!
      • THE JUICE RECIPE: Make fresh juice daily according to the unique recipe provided on your card. Fresh juice contains all the vital nutrients and enzymes needed for your well being. You will have more energy and feel great.

      Possible skin sensitivity. Keep out of reach of children. If pregnant, nursing, taking medication or have a medical condition, consult a healthcare practitioner prior to use. Store in a cool, dark place.